Category: Home

Organizing Your Home on a Budget: Cost-effective Ways to Organize Your Home Without Spending a Lot of Money

Organizing your home does not have to break the bank, nor does it need to be done in a day. Here are some ways to get your space in order without spending a lot of money.

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How to Create a Cozy and Functional Living Room

Creating a cozy and functional living room is all about arranging your furniture in a way that promotes comfort and usability. Whether you are starting from scratch or just looking to refresh your space, here are some ideas to help you organize and arrange your furniture for the perfect living room vibe.

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Organize Your Backyard Shed and Find the Garden Tools You Thought You Lost

If you are fortunate enough to have a backyard shed, you might find that over the years you have accumulated lots of “stuff” that you stored rather haphazardly.

To make the most of your outdoor space and to keep your tools and equipment easily accessible, set aside time to organize your shed by doing the following:

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Two Miracle Products for Your Hardwood Floors and Furniture 

Do you have wood floors or furniture that need sprucing up from scratches or dull finish? Let me recommend two products I love that are just short of miraculous.

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Five Ideas for Decorating for the Holidays on a Budget

With prices for everything on a seemingly endless spiral upward, you might want to go DIY for holiday decorations this year. Even if you are not an artsy-craftsy type, here are five ways to add a festive look for pennies:

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How to Prepare your Home and Car for Winter

Thanksgiving is over as we now turn our attention to the winter holidays. Have you already prepared your home and car for winter? As we all know at any point a storm may hit our area. Look what just happened in Buffalo, NY! If you live around the Great Lakes, you have already experienced that very same powerful winter storm. Let’s make sure that we are all prepared this year for winter and, heaven forbid, just such a storm.

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A Virtual Organizing Project – Converting a Bedroom Into a Home Office

I just finished working with Susan (name changed to protect her identity), who left her job as a lawyer at a large firm to start her own home-based practice in Connecticut. Her project was to convert a guest bedroom into her home office. Our goals were to tackle the arrangement of the furniture, to set up her files (both computer and paper), and to create systems so that she was able to work efficiently in her home.

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Less (Stuff) is More (Time)

I would like to share with you an article from the Washington Post which extols about the need to buy less stuff.

For my last birthday, I was delighted that my friends gave me flowers, gift cards, and balloons—nothing that needed storage, batteries, recharging, maintenance, dusting, or repair. When you are fresh out of school and just starting out, accumulating stuff is what you do: you need to furnish your first apartment and buy clothes for work, for example. But as we age, the stuff gets to be a burden: things break, get dirty, take up space. The less we have, the simpler our life.

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An Easy-Peasy Way to Take a Household Inventory

If you ever need to file an insurance claim for damages to your home or a police report for stolen items, you will need to produce a list of affected property. You could always write out a list and type it up, but that would take hours. Here is an easy-peasy way to take a home inventory.

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Putting Off Cooking for the Holidays?

My previous blog was about getting organized to fight procrastinating on a household chore. Did you ever consider applying the same technique to cooking? Face it, we all tend to put off cooking for the holidays. It is just one more chore that needs to be done during a hectic season. However, the rewards of having it done ahead of time are priceless!

If you find that you are not in the mood to cook, but you have a deadline of an approaching holiday or even just tonight’s dinner, try breaking down the big steps.

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