Category: Procrastination

Overcome Procrastination TODAY. Do Not Put Things Off… Again

Whether it is putting off tasks until the last minute or avoiding them altogether, procrastination can hinder productivity, increase stress, and sabotage our goals. Fear not, though, for effective strategies exist to overcome procrastination and to reclaim control of your time and energy.

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Eat That Frog! You Will Not Croak

Have you heard of “eat the frog” as a strategy for accomplishing your daily goals? Think about it. How gross would it be to eat a frog for breakfast? Think again. If you DID eat that frog, or finish you most loathsome job first, wouldn’t your remaining chores seem easier, if not downright pleasurable?

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Add Decluttering to Your Self-care Regimen

Clutter makes us less productive, more stressed, and unfocused. Starting off the day facing a kitchen counter, dining room table, or office desk covered with stuff is discouraging. Devoting those last few minutes before bedtime to putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and tossing or filing the mail you dumped on the dining room table equates not only to good housekeeping but also to your well-being.

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Putting Off Cooking for the Holidays?

My previous blog was about getting organized to fight procrastinating on a household chore. Did you ever consider applying the same technique to cooking? Face it, we all tend to put off cooking for the holidays. It is just one more chore that needs to be done during a hectic season. However, the rewards of having it done ahead of time are priceless!

If you find that you are not in the mood to cook, but you have a deadline of an approaching holiday or even just tonight’s dinner, try breaking down the big steps.

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Coming soon: the 2015 Procrastinators’ Convention (They Keep Putting It Off)

I was going to blog about procrastination, but I have not gotten around to it. Until now.

Dear friend: You can postpone reading this blog by checking out these 71 procrastination jokes.

You may ask yourself what does organizing have to do with procrastination? Getting organized can be the first step in getting something done, and it can be satisfying enough that perhaps you will take the next step.

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How To Take a Standardized Test

An essential component of passing any sort of exam, from a high school or college mid-term to the SAT, ACT, GRE, or GMAT is knowing how to take a test. Use these tips to prepare yourself for taking exams and you will succeed, no matter the test. Here’s how to take a standardized test

Study Daily– Learning is a gradual process, not an instantaneous one. You cannot ignore a textbook all semester and learn everything you need to know to pass the final two weeks before semester’s end. If you want to succeed you need to start studying way before the actual exam date. Start by studying for at least an hour a day. Don’t wait till the last minute to cram for your exam!

Get Rid of Those Unhealthy Habits!

The old adage that diets – food, financial or otherworldly – don’t work is true. A diet is a temporary restriction or elimination of something to reach a specific goal. Studies have shown that most food-related diets fail. Instead of dieting, setting up a strict budget, or restricting something you love (that is otherwise healthy in small amounts), focus on purging unhealthy food, financial, and procrastination habits. The scale and your savings account will almost invariably follow. Here’s how to get rid of those unhealthy habits!

Tip Tuesday: Ways to Avoid Procrastination This Holiday Season

The countdown is on. Thanksgiving is over, and the turkey leftovers have been devoured. We are less than a month away from Christmas! As much as we try to plan ahead, it always seems that we run out of time
