Category: Recyling

Eco-Conscious Decluttering and Storage

Last month we blogged about eco-friendly cleaning. Now let’s look at eco-friendly organization. The goal here is to reduce clutter and waste while promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

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Got Excess Stuff? Where to Donate Your Items

After determining what stuff you no longer need, the next logical step is for you to sort all of it into items to trash, to sell, or to donate. Sometimes, knowing where to donate your items and what organizations accept the type of items you want to donate can be tougher than your decision to let them go! Here are a few suggestions.

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Purge! Old Linens from Your Closet

Let’s face it, the linen closet is usually a place we hide old towels and sheets. I can use these towels to wash my car. These sheets are perfect for camping. Most of the time, while these are well-intentioned destinations

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Five Home Organizers in Disguise

Nobody says you must buy expensive containers to get organized… unless, of course, you want to. Take a look around the house: What is already there that could be multipurposed to help contain your items? Let’s explore five such vessels that could substitute for home organizers in disguise.

Mason Jars – There are different size mason jars. Their genius lies in the fact that they are clear so that you can see precisely what is inside and in what quantity. The jars are particularly great for storing items used in crafting, to name one use, and are easily placed in pantries, and garages. As to the latter, I have even seen folks drill holes in mason jar tops so that after screwing them on, they can be placed on nails on the underside of shelfs for even easier accessibility.

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How to Recycle Large Electronics

Walk into any New England basement, and you’ll likely see an old super-sized television sitting collecting dust. As a society, whenever we upgrade our television or other large electronics, we have a hard time letting go of these older, outdated
