Tag: #Storage

When Renting a Storage Unit Makes Sense and When it Does Not

In today’s fast-paced world, our lives often overflow with belongings. From sentimental keepsakes to practical necessities, our possessions accumulate, sometimes outpacing the space available in our homes. When faced with this dilemma, many turn to storage units as a solution. However, while they can be incredibly convenient, there are times when renting a storage unit might not be the best option. Keep in mind that the goal is not just to create space but to create a lifestyle that aligns with your values and priorities.

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Eco-Conscious Decluttering and Storage

Last month we blogged about eco-friendly cleaning. Now let’s look at eco-friendly organization. The goal here is to reduce clutter and waste while promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

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Eleven Creative Storage Solutions

Creative storage solutions can help you keep your belongings organized while also adding aesthetic appeal to your living spaces. Here are eleven creative ways to store belongings:

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A Tisket, a Tasket, Store it in a Basket

Baskets are inexpensive and handy containers for organizing all kinds of stuff: clothes, toys, linens, cleaning supplies, home office supplies, bathroom supplies… you name it.

They are one of the most versatile and simplest organizers you will find.

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Hang it Up

In addition to his athletic prowess, Boston Celtic legend John Havlicek was known for being meticulous. His wife said he hung all his clothes a half inch apart in his closet at home and folded his socks over a hanger.

You do not have to go to those extreme measures for a neat closet. You can quickly make your closet look a lot nicer just by buying a set of matching hangers. Features to look for, depending on your needs, include:

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Take the Adventure Out of Finding Items in Your Basement

Is your basement a stockpile of junk? Does it involve what amounts to a treasure hunt just to sift through the clutter to find what you need? Set aside a weekend to take the adventure out of finding items in your basement and to make this area of your home more manageable. Here are the basic steps:

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Nineteen Uses for a Closet Organizer Not Involving Clothes

You know those organizers with pockets that you can hang on a closet rod or over the door? They are useful for a lot more than just clothes. Buy one with clear pockets so you can see what is inside or label the pockets with a label maker or masking tape.

In the spirit of a fresh start for the new year, here are nineteen uses for a closet organizer not involving clothes:

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Three Tips to Organize Your Kitchen Utensils

We all have that kitchen drawer: the one with whisks, can openers, vegetable peelers, and dental floss. (Dental floss? Yes, for slicing soft cheese like goat cheese.) Is your kitchen drawer a jumble? A place where you need to go on an expedition? Do you ask, “I know it’s here somewhere, but … where?”

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Lost, Found, and Then … Never to Be Lost Again

Have you ever misplaced something, often a precious item or something you are on a deadline to retrieve, only to finally find it, thanking your lucky stars? Did you keep on looking for it once located? Of course not! You stopped, likely relieved beyond measure, swearing this would ‘never’ happen to you again, right?

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Murder Miss Eleni S

If you are like most people, admit it now: you have a file folder/drawer/bin called, “Miscellaneous”. Heck, you may also have a folder on your computer with the same name.

Murder “Miss Eleni S”. Get rid of it. Now. It is dangerous… so much so that you need to kill it.

Why? Because it’s too easy to dump everything into MISCELLANEOUS because, well, MISCELLANEOUS covers anything and everything. It Is akin to not putting things away. Find some common way to categorize the information or objects and sort them into those said categories.

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