Tag: #organizing

Insanely Creative Bookshelves

Tired of looking at the same old options for bookshelves? Check out these amazing bookshelves. If you are handy with tools, you can even make some of these yourself!

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Forgetting – A Hidden Brain Advantage?

Is forgetting a feature of the brain and not a bug?

And why might this be relevant? Perhaps this quote will convince you:

“…creative-but-naturally disorganized people, if they’re smart, don’t simply live in chaos; they find systems to help them get organized. (In my case, that meant actually hiring a professional organizer to help me design the easiest possible practical ways to keep my things straight and myself on track.)”

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Nineteen Uses for a Closet Organizer Not Involving Clothes

You know those organizers with pockets that you can hang on a closet rod or over the door? They are useful for a lot more than just clothes. Buy one with clear pockets so you can see what is inside or label the pockets with a label maker or masking tape.

In the spirit of a fresh start for the new year, here are nineteen uses for a closet organizer not involving clothes:

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