Category: Working From Home

Home Office for Two: How to Share a Workspace Without Losing Your Mind

With the rise of remote work, many couples and roommates find themselves sharing a home office. While this setup can be efficient, it can also present challenges. Maintaining productivity, managing space, and respecting each other’s work styles are crucial for a harmonious shared office. Here are some tips for organizing a shared home office space to ensure both of you can work effectively without losing your minds.

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A Virtual Organizing Project – Converting a Bedroom Into a Home Office

I just finished working with Susan (name changed to protect her identity), who left her job as a lawyer at a large firm to start her own home-based practice in Connecticut. Her project was to convert a guest bedroom into her home office. Our goals were to tackle the arrangement of the furniture, to set up her files (both computer and paper), and to create systems so that she was able to work efficiently in her home.

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You Don’t Have to be On-Call 24/7

Just because technology enables you to be available 24/7 doesn’t mean you have to be. You need some down time for your mental health.

You may ask how is that even possible in this day and age? Here are some ideas to take you off the 24/7 treadmill.

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Exert Control Over Your Chaotic Work Schedule

Do you find yourself feeling disorganized at work? Would you like exert control over your chaotic work schedule?

To begin, you may want to organize your work projects. Depending on how many projects or clients you manage, different tools are available, at different price points, ranging from free to hundreds of dollars a month.

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WFH Ergonomic Products We Love

These days, everyone is working from home. Working at your kitchen table or in your bedroom can place even more stress on your back, neck, legs, and arms. Here are some WFH (Working From Home) ergonomic products we love and tested that provide real relief from and aim to prevent pain.

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