Tag: #homeoffice

Home Office for Two: How to Share a Workspace Without Losing Your Mind

With the rise of remote work, many couples and roommates find themselves sharing a home office. While this setup can be efficient, it can also present challenges. Maintaining productivity, managing space, and respecting each other’s work styles are crucial for a harmonious shared office. Here are some tips for organizing a shared home office space to ensure both of you can work effectively without losing your minds.

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News Flash: You Don’t Have to Work 24/7

With Labor Day and the annual frenzy of returning to school and work approaching, let’s talk about finally striving to achieve a reasonable work/life balance.

Many of us fall into the trap of working all the time, thanks to tools and technology that make this possible, especially for those who work from home. While it can be satisfying to accomplish a lot, it can also be detrimental to our mental health. We all need down time, fun time, and family and friend time. How can we achieve that if we are being constantly sucked back into our work life in our off time? So… How can we start to carve out some time for ourselves?

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Murder Miss Eleni S

If you are like most people, admit it now: you have a file folder/drawer/bin called, “Miscellaneous”. Heck, you may also have a folder on your computer with the same name.

Murder “Miss Eleni S”. Get rid of it. Now. It is dangerous… so much so that you need to kill it.

Why? Because it’s too easy to dump everything into MISCELLANEOUS because, well, MISCELLANEOUS covers anything and everything. It Is akin to not putting things away. Find some common way to categorize the information or objects and sort them into those said categories.

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