Tag: #Emergency

Make Sure Your Pets Get Emergency Veterinary Care in Your Absence

Do you ever leave your pet in the care of a friend, neighbor, or professional pet sitter? In case of a medical emergency, are they authorized to bring your pet to your veterinarian (or an emergency clinic) and to approve treatment?

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An Easy-Peasy Way to Take a Household Inventory

If you ever need to file an insurance claim for damages to your home or a police report for stolen items, you will need to produce a list of affected property. You could always write out a list and type it up, but that would take hours. Here is an easy-peasy way to take a home inventory.

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5 Photos You Should Keep on Your Phone (and a 6th If You Have a Dog)

Chances are you have your phone with you more often than you carry your wallet. There are five photos that you should keep on your phone, just in case:

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How Well Would You Handle a Disaster?

Hurricane season is waning, but winter is around the corner. Are you prepared to deal with the aftermath of a catastrophic storm? What if you needed to evacuate because of a chemical spill from a truck rollover on a nearby road? How well would you handle a disaster? Rather than recreate what already exists on many websites and in guides, I will highlight a few resources that do provide valuable information to make sure you are prepared.

Are you ready for an emergency? To see if you are, take the American Red Cross quiz or download this FEMA guide to learn more about basic preparedness.

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Don’t Be a Jane or John Doe

Imagine this scenario: You are unconscious or unable to communicate because of an accident or medical event. Would first-responders or ER staff know whom to call?

What if you have kids to pick up from school or day care? Or pets home alone? Do you have a backup plan?

In this scenario, you don’t want to be a Jane or John Doe.

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