Category: Closet

Shopping in Your Closet: Rediscover Your Wardrobe

Ever feel like you have nothing to wear despite a closet full of clothes? It might be time to go “shopping” in your own closet. This fun and sustainable approach not only helps you rediscover forgotten pieces, but also encourages you to be creative with your existing wardrobe. Here’s how to make the most of what you already own.

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Shoo the Shoes

I recently worked with a client who had to move everything out of her bedroom closet so that a single-pane window could be replaced with an energy-efficient one.

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Hang it Up

In addition to his athletic prowess, Boston Celtic legend John Havlicek was known for being meticulous. His wife said he hung all his clothes a half inch apart in his closet at home and folded his socks over a hanger.

You do not have to go to those extreme measures for a neat closet. You can quickly make your closet look a lot nicer just by buying a set of matching hangers. Features to look for, depending on your needs, include:

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Are the Meds in Your Medicine Cabinet Older Than Your Sneakers?

Are you storing medicine in a medicine cabinet? If you answer, “Yes,” you are doing so incorrectly according to experts. It seems that bathrooms are much too humid for medications, and that can affect their efficacy. Rather, store meds in a cool and dry location, such as a closet.
Now, the next logical concern is: Are the meds in your medicine cabinet older than your sneakers? For most of us, we do not know what to keep, what to toss, and how to toss them out even properly, so they just stay put.

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Nineteen Uses for a Closet Organizer Not Involving Clothes

You know those organizers with pockets that you can hang on a closet rod or over the door? They are useful for a lot more than just clothes. Buy one with clear pockets so you can see what is inside or label the pockets with a label maker or masking tape.

In the spirit of a fresh start for the new year, here are nineteen uses for a closet organizer not involving clothes:

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How to Organize the Perfect Craft Closet

I know a number of friends who enjoy working on crafts. The lucky ones have an entire craft room. Others feel extremely fortunate to carve out even a single space for their hobbies. Here we share tips on how to organize the perfect craft closet so that you, too, can claim that one precious space for yourself and your hobby.

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Do You Know Where Your Spare Toothpaste Is? Tips for Editing What You Don’t Need From Your Bathroom

Bathrooms and linen closets where towels are stored seem to be a collection point for items you don’t actually need. The same goes for kitchen counters, incidentally, but let’s stay focused. Linen closets are subject to the “I’m in a hurry, so it’s OK to just shove the towels or sheets in there”. They don’t have to be neat. We’re going to use them “soon enough” syndrome. Bathroom medicine cabinets are frequently used to hoard all those extra bottles of aspirin, vitamins, and over the counter medicines like allergy pills and antacids that we all buy when they’re on sale. Bathroom vanities get the same “Shove in the cleansers and anything else that doesn’t fit in the medicine cabinet or linen closet we need for the bathroom” treatment. As a result, there is simply too much in our bathrooms, so here are some useful tips to edit, thereby removing everything that you don’t need from your bathroom.

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Purge! Old Linens from Your Closet

Let’s face it, the linen closet is usually a place we hide old towels and sheets. I can use these towels to wash my car. These sheets are perfect for camping. Most of the time, while these are well-intentioned destinations

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Five Home Organizers in Disguise

Nobody says you must buy expensive containers to get organized… unless, of course, you want to. Take a look around the house: What is already there that could be multipurposed to help contain your items? Let’s explore five such vessels that could substitute for home organizers in disguise.

Mason Jars – There are different size mason jars. Their genius lies in the fact that they are clear so that you can see precisely what is inside and in what quantity. The jars are particularly great for storing items used in crafting, to name one use, and are easily placed in pantries, and garages. As to the latter, I have even seen folks drill holes in mason jar tops so that after screwing them on, they can be placed on nails on the underside of shelfs for even easier accessibility.

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What To Do With All Those Clothes You Rarely Wear, But Don’t Want to Part With?

Closets are the bain of our existence: a place for our clothing that can quickly become disorganized because, well, who doesn’t love clothes shopping? Especially at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx where you can get designer duds at super low prices that incentivize you to buy MORE? The truth is that many people don’t want to part with their clothing even if they don’t wear it because they feel that may just want it someday. Also, people generally move up and down the scale, and there is a bad tendency to purge clothing when you lose weight, only to have to buy it when you — sadly – may regain it. We all know that it is not a good idea. It gets expensive. After all, very few people stay the same size forever. Therefore, what to do with all those clothes you rarely wear, but don’t want to part with? Try a few of these tips to help out with this dilemma.
