Category: Bedroom

5 Guest Bedroom Must-Haves

Tis the season for hosting! If your home will serve as holiday headquarters for some friends and family, it’s time to get your guest bedroom ready. Aside from the standard clean sheets and towels, what else do your guests actually

Reset Day: Keeping Linens Organized

Grab a washcloth and the stack falls over, spilling onto the bed linens. The bed linens are also a mess. Actually, the entire closet needs some attention. Sound familiar? This is common in many households so there is no reason

My little joys

All of us have our thing around the home. Some people can’t operate if their refrigerator isn’t perfectly organized. Others can’t stand even the tiniest bit of dust on a surface. My little joys? A clean kitchen counter, free of

5 Secret Storage Spots

Storage. This is a mighty must-have in any home, and many people are of the mindset that the more storage, the better. How about secret storage spots? In many New England homes, especially those that are older, storage is limited.

PURGE! Cleaning Out Your Bedroom Closet

The closet, whether a huge walk-in or a tiny apartment closet, can be the holder of everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. It’s the go-to place when folks are looking to hide an item that they can’t get rid of, but

Do or Don’t – Creating a cleaning schedule

Let’s talk about cleaning. Few people love to clean (unless you’re one of those people who find it therapeutic!). And the last thing you want to schedule time for is CLEANING. Scheduling social activities is fun. Scheduling time to clean…not

Purge! 3 Things to Purge from Your Bedroom

  Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, right? Take a look around. Does your room give off that calm feeling when you walk into your room? Is it clutter free and serene? Your room is for sleeping, rest

Do or Don’t – Closet Organization Systems

We’ve all seen those beautiful California Closet commercials, glamorizing closet organization systems. The closets are spacious (so spacious!) and appear clean and clutter free. So dreamy, right? Well, I have been asked by clients which is better: purchasing a large-scale

Tip Tuesday: How to organize a guest bedroom

As a Boston-based professional organizer, many of my clients have friends and family from out of state visit New England in the summer. After all, Boston and surrounding areas are so picturesque. It’s hard to beat New England as a
