Author: Dawn Link

WFH Ergonomic Products We Love

These days, everyone is working from home. Working at your kitchen table or in your bedroom can place even more stress on your back, neck, legs, and arms. Here are some WFH (Working From Home) ergonomic products we love and tested that provide real relief from and aim to prevent pain.

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How to Plan the Perfectly Socially Distanced Thanksgiving Holiday

Unfortunately, the number of cases of COVID-19 are rising. In light of these startling statistics, we are all wondering how to plan the perfectly socially distanced Thanksgiving holiday this year. Here are a few tips for spending time with friends and family while still partaking in Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings without contributing to the spread of COVID-19.

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What to Grab in an Emergency?

Over the past few months, the United States has had wildfires, hurricanes, and tropical storms. Last month was dubbed Disaster Preparedness month. While gathered with a few friends via Zoom, we got talking and wondered what would we gather in an emergency if we only had 30 minutes to evacuate? Here are a few of the items we thought we would grab in an emergency.

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Five Safe and Socially Distanced Activities to Enjoy With the Family This Fall

Social distancing has changed the autumn activity landscape. So many of the fun things in which families typically partake – and which they look forward to – can’t be undertaken because of social distancing rules. Alternatively, they put so many restrictions upon us that they become downright too stress-inducing to enjoy. However, take heart. Here are five safe and social distanced activities to enjoy with your family this fall.

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Fresh and Unexpected Ways to Make Time for Yourself

Now more than ever we may feel we are doing way too much. With either working from home or having our children learning from home, let’s face it, life has changed. Some of it is for the better, and some not so much. Before you find yourself facing burnout, why not seek out fresh and unexpected ways to make time for yourself.

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How to Avoid Purging Too Much

Living here in the northeast, we often do a bi-annual seasonal swap of all manner of things. It is a built-in time to reevaluate the past season’s items as we have to touch each one in order to put it away. Nevertheless, there are definitely items you should think twice before purging too much.

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Common Household Items You Need to Get Rid of Now

As we approach fall, the cooler temps may compel us to be inside more. Thoughts may just turn to tackling some cleaning out, weeding out, and sorting. As a result, today we will explore common household items you need to get rid of now based on expiration dates, potency, or flavor.

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How to Engage Your Children in Their Education

Depending on where you live, your children may be either attending school full time or with a hybrid schedule of online and in person learning. Most homes are not set up to have multiple people working/attending school from home. Here is how to help you engage your children in their education.

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How to Endure a Layoff with Grace

COVID-19 and the closing of the economy has resulted in a lot of layoffs, temporary and permanent. Being let go from a job because of cutbacks is even harder than being fired. You know you’ve done nothing wrong. You understand why it’s happening, still, you feel that you have done something wrong or that your employer didn’t value you. In case you have fallen victim to the corona virus in the way, here are some do’s and don’ts of how to endure a layoff with grace.

How to Declutter and Organize Your Garage or Garage Space

Not everyone has a garage, but most have a place where they store garage-like items, such as house paint, automotive supplies like snow tires or all weather tires depending on the season, shovels, indoor/outdoor gardening supplies, and tools. This is how to declutter and organize your garage or garage space.
