Author: Dawn Link

Cool Summer Drinks

Nothing is more refreshing on a hot summer day than lingering over any liquid served to you over ice. When organizing backyard gatherings, though, how often are drinks the last item to spark your creativity? Rather than the standard iced tea and lemonade, let us put on our thinking caps and explore cool summer drinks.

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The Dog Days of Summer

Has it been hot enough for you? Ask friends about the meaning of the “dog days of summer”, and they will probably respond with something along the lines of “It is when it is too hot and humid in July and August for dogs to be comfortable outside.” Well, you know what? They are wrong.

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Happy summer reading!

One of the best summer activities is reading, whether at the beach, on your deck, or in your air-conditioned bedroom.

How to choose what to read? Of course, you can check the bestseller lists, but for lesser-known gems, seek out your local, independent book seller for recommendations and support a local business.

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The Ultimate BBQ Planning Lists

Ah, summer … when “the livin’ is easy …”, who does not love cooking outdoors? Will you be hosting a barbeque for a crowd this season? There are still many weekends of beautiful weather remaining to host one. If you are planning a gathering, here are some useful sites:

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What Is in Your Wallet?

Sounds like the tagline for the commercial for that famous company, right? Well, I mean the question to stimulate your thoughts just in case…

You see, a client of mine just had his wallet stollen. One of the first things that crosses one’s mind in that panic-stricken situation is, of course, “What did I have in my wallet?”. It is indeed an awful thing to happen to anyone. In addition to feeling violated, who has the time to deal with contacting banks, credit card companies, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and any other company that concerns the contents of your wallet?

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Are the Meds in Your Medicine Cabinet Older Than Your Sneakers?

Are you storing medicine in a medicine cabinet? If you answer, “Yes,” you are doing so incorrectly according to experts. It seems that bathrooms are much too humid for medications, and that can affect their efficacy. Rather, store meds in a cool and dry location, such as a closet.
Now, the next logical concern is: Are the meds in your medicine cabinet older than your sneakers? For most of us, we do not know what to keep, what to toss, and how to toss them out even properly, so they just stay put.

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What to Pack?

We recently posted some tips about packing for your vacation. Well, here are yet more tips, this time, to help you decide what to pack for a specific trip in that the summer months of travel are upon us.
Yes, as you can imagine, there is an app for help on packing. In fact, there are many, some free and others you can upgrade, paying for a premium version with more features. Here are a few free ones: Packpoint, EasyPack, and Packr. In full disclosure, we have not tried these all for ourselves, therefore, undertake your own search for the apps that best meet your needs.

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Unique, Personal Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Graduate

Tis the season of high school graduations. The issue often is, what gift to buy for your favorite graduate? One needs to think beyond the college insignia sweatshirt. We used to depend on the old standbys: Wallets? No, today’s grads do not carry cash or credit cards; they likely pay by cell phone. Briefcases? Seriously? Watch? Buy one only if it is an Apple watch. Perhaps a new laptop case instead? Planner/calendars? Well, there is an app for that.

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Declutter Your Brain

Memorial Day … the unofficial start of summer. A tough academic year is nearly behind students and families, and it is time to “break out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” as the old song lyrics remind us. Vacation planning fever is about to hit, and perhaps the beach is calling for us.
What better time to think about unwinding and centering ourselves? My readers know that I usually blog ways to declutter your home, office, and life, yet this seems like an opportune time to consider a different kind of “cleaning up” entirely.

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Less (Stuff) is More (Time)

I would like to share with you an article from the Washington Post which extols about the need to buy less stuff.

For my last birthday, I was delighted that my friends gave me flowers, gift cards, and balloons—nothing that needed storage, batteries, recharging, maintenance, dusting, or repair. When you are fresh out of school and just starting out, accumulating stuff is what you do: you need to furnish your first apartment and buy clothes for work, for example. But as we age, the stuff gets to be a burden: things break, get dirty, take up space. The less we have, the simpler our life.

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