Category: Exercise

Design your Own Exercise Program

Do you have a lot of fitness experience (taking classes, playing sports, or working out under guidance of coaches and trainers) and want to design your own exercise program? If so, you could then essentially design a fitness program yourself, likely saving time and money.

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How to Hire a Personal Trainer

So many plan to lose weight at the beginning of a new year. One way to help you do so is to consider hiring an expert to guide you. In fact, a personal trainer can design an exercise program that helps you reach your fitness goals, suits your personality, and accommodates any physical limitations you might have.

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Best Wishes for a Fabulous 2023!

Goodbye 2022. Now is a good time to reflect on the past year. How was it for you? Did you achieve any goals, learn new skills, or take the vacation you planned pre-pandemic?

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If You Are Planning on Starting an Exercise Program in the New Year, Read this First!

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to start (or re-start) an exercise program. To increase your odds of your success, here are some factors to consider:

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How to Engage Your Children in Their Education

Depending on where you live, your children may be either attending school full time or with a hybrid schedule of online and in person learning. Most homes are not set up to have multiple people working/attending school from home. Here is how to help you engage your children in their education.

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Respecting Your Teen’s Summer Vacation While Ensuring They Stay Active

Ah the teenage years! As your teen gets older, some will find a part time job. Others will go to summer camp or an extended school year (summer school) program. Some will do neither. Here’s how to navigate respecting your teen’s summer vacation while ensuring they stay active.

How to Get Your Kids Out From Behind Their Electronic Devices

Children today have a myriad of electronic devices to keep them engaged and entertained with minimal adult supervision. However, kids must have other activities beyond school, sports/extracurriculars, and homework to engage them. How to get your kids out from behind their electronic devices? Here are a few ways to engage your children with activities they, and the whole family, can enjoy.

Get Rid of Those Unhealthy Habits!

The old adage that diets – food, financial or otherworldly – don’t work is true. A diet is a temporary restriction or elimination of something to reach a specific goal. Studies have shown that most food-related diets fail. Instead of dieting, setting up a strict budget, or restricting something you love (that is otherwise healthy in small amounts), focus on purging unhealthy food, financial, and procrastination habits. The scale and your savings account will almost invariably follow. Here’s how to get rid of those unhealthy habits!

Creating a Home Gym Space

Exercise offers many benefits – everything from increased energy to stress relief and even better long-term health. Not everyone can afford a monthly gym membership, or has time to dedicate to hitting the gym. Fancy exercise equipment is a double-edged