Category: Budget

No-Buy 2025

The no-buy trend is having a resurgence due to a combination of environmental concerns (carbon emissions), economic pressures (inflation, credit card debt), and the “I have too much stuff” syndrome.

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Organizing Your Home on a Budget: Cost-effective Ways to Organize Your Home Without Spending a Lot of Money

Organizing your home does not have to break the bank, nor does it need to be done in a day. Here are some ways to get your space in order without spending a lot of money.

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Let These Apps Stretch Your Shopping Dollars

Nowadays, all of us are experiencing the impact of higher prices. Perhaps we are especially feeling this sad new reality around this time of year with the big holiday season right around the corner. Want to try to save money on your holiday (and year-round) shopping? Check out the following tools that let you compare prices and apply discounts (promo/coupon codes).

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How to Create a Budget

Creating a budget can be an effective way to manage your finances as a step towards achieving your financial goals. Here are some steps to get started:

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The Latest Scoop on Tipping

What is going on with tipping guidelines these days? There seems to have been a shift since the pandemic started of whom we tip, how we tip, and how much we tip.

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Five Ideas for Decorating for the Holidays on a Budget

With prices for everything on a seemingly endless spiral upward, you might want to go DIY for holiday decorations this year. Even if you are not an artsy-craftsy type, here are five ways to add a festive look for pennies:

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5 Ways to Prepare Your House to Retain Heat This Winter

Oil and natural gas prices are expected to significantly rise this winter. While you can’t control prices, you can take some measures to conserve heat. Here are five ways to prepare your house to retain heat this winter.

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3 Ways You Can Plan for the Holidays Today

It’s not too early to plan for the holidays, especially this year: disruptions in supply chains could mean that items you were hoping to purchase for gifts could be difficult to come by. Even books are affected because of limited supply of paper and because some popular gift books are printed overseas. This includes coffee table books, children’s picture books, books with fancy paper or covers—in other words, gift-y books. Supply chain issues across industries are predicted to hamper holiday shopping, so if you usually wait until after Thanksgiving to shop, you might be out of luck.

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How and Why to Balance Your Checkbook – Even if You Are Not Writing Checks

Most of us aren’t writing many checks these days, but we are still spending money and receiving payments. In the old days, there were only two ways to withdraw funds from your bank account: write a check or hand over a withdrawal slip to a bank teller. You deposited funds in person at the bank. Then with the marvelous innovation of ATMs, it was no longer necessary to go into a bank to withdraw, deposit, or transfer money. Today you can pay bills online through your bank’s website or app, or through apps such as Venmo, Zelle, & CashApp or transfer funds to and from PayPal. Your paycheck is most likely deposited directly via EFT. All this said, how and why do you need to balance your checkbook even if you are not writing checks?

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How to Create the Perfect Gift Basket

A gift basket is the perfect all-occasion gift. They can be created out of a wide array of containers, not just straw baskets, and can run the gamut of useful, fun, and personal items for the giftee. A gift basket is also an excellent way to save money while looking like you spent a lot. Here’s how to create the perfect gift basket for every recipient and occasion.

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