All of those snow days from last winter forced many schools to stay in session until the week before Fourth of July. It was a LONG year, folks. Whether you choose to believe it or not, the next school season will be here before you know it. Yikes! Instead of waiting until the last minute to get organized, start organizing your to-dos TODAY. Remember, doing small tasks each day will prevent a pile of to-dos. Below you can find five back-to-school organizing tips that will provide a bit of sanity before the madness begins (again).
- Adjust Sleeping Patterns – Sleep is needed. Sleep is deserved after such a chaotic year. Enjoy these lazy days of summer, but remember that the best thing you can do for yourself and your children is to acclimate to school hours as you approach the start of the year. A few weeks before the first day of school, gradually have your children go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. By doing this gradually, it won’t be such a jolt to their sleeping pattern.
- Organize and Purchase Clothes – Now is the time to go through your children’s clothes to see what needs to be purchased. Outgrown clothing can either be passed on to younger siblings or donated. Start this process with the oldest child so you have an idea of what clothes you can give to the younger ones. Then, make a list of the clothing you’ll need and budget for these purchases.
- Practice the Route – Will your children be walking to school, riding a bus, or carpooling to school? It’s important to do a practice run to see how long it takes to make sure they arrive on time. This is also a great emotional exercise for your kids if they are scared of leaving your side. If you are driving your kids to school, remember to take into account more traffic as you approach the school. It’s also good to instruct your kids on the official drop-off and pick-up locations.
- Create a Command Central – Create a central “hub” in the kitchen, mudroom, or another location that works best for your family. Put up a calendar (if you are a paper person) or select an electronic calendar that allows syncing across platforms (such as Cozi) and print out a week-at-a-glance. Use a color-coding system for each family member to make it easier to identify each individual’s schedule.
- Schedule Doctor Appointments – Pick up the phone and make all of your doctor appointments now. Most schools require a copy of recent medical examinations for athletes. Are your children’s immunizations up to date? Check on the school’s website to see what you need for September. It’s also a good idea to schedule your appointments. With the craziness of the school year, sometimes making time for yourself can get pushed aside.
Sending your loved ones off to school does not have to be a nightmare. Proper planning will ease the process!
Photo: Teach Hub