Author: Dawn Link

Clean Out Your Junk Drawer

Ahhh…Junk drawers… We all have them. We also all have drawers designated for a specific purpose that ultimately become unruly and unorganized as we toss more stuff into them. Here’s another possible way of how to clean out your junk drawers of items you no longer need or use. (For more ideas, go to another one of my blog posts on Junk Drawer Organization)

What to Do When a Spouse Dies

Being prepared for whatever life throws at you is so important. This became glaringly so to me recently as a client of mine suddenly lost her husband. One of the first questions she had for me was what to do when a spouse dies. Isn’t there a checklist? As a result, I hope this will help any of you who may need this or at least prove to be a source of help to which to refer.

Organize Your Children’s School Records

This may be an ideal time to organize your children’s school records before they head back to school, whether it be in person or virtual for the upcoming academic year.

How to Maintain Houseplants

Feeling like you need to bring some nature into your home but don’t know how to properly maintain and keep plants alive? I know the feeling. I used to have a lot of indoor plants, but as I moved throughout the years, the plants didn’t. Let’s explore how to maintain houseplants.

Adjusting to the New Normal

COVID-19 has changed the way people live their lives beyond the adjustment to having to work from home and homeschooling. Even the way we shop for groceries and every day essentials has changed. These changes are likely here to stay, even if the COVID-19 crisis ends. Here are things you can consider doing to adjust to life in the “new normal.”

How to Keep Your Car Organized

We are certainly driving our cars less during this COVID-19 pandemic. Just maybe then it is the perfect time to get them organized. How to keep your car organized once life resumes to “the new normal”is perhaps a better question to address, and these tips will help you accomplish that more beneficial goal.

What To Do With All Those Clothes You Rarely Wear, But Don’t Want to Part With?

Closets are the bain of our existence: a place for our clothing that can quickly become disorganized because, well, who doesn’t love clothes shopping? Especially at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx where you can get designer duds at super low prices that incentivize you to buy MORE? The truth is that many people don’t want to part with their clothing even if they don’t wear it because they feel that may just want it someday. Also, people generally move up and down the scale, and there is a bad tendency to purge clothing when you lose weight, only to have to buy it when you — sadly – may regain it. We all know that it is not a good idea. It gets expensive. After all, very few people stay the same size forever. Therefore, what to do with all those clothes you rarely wear, but don’t want to part with? Try a few of these tips to help out with this dilemma.

Spring Into Successfully Cleaning Your Home

Despite the unprecedented time in which we currently find ourselves, some things never change: it IS that time of year. Time to do spring cleaning. I know here in the Northeast we have actually seen snow in April. Though the weather may indicate otherwise, here’s how to spring into successfully cleaning your home.

How To Organize Your Home For An Emergency

Never before has it seemed more important to organize your home for an emergency. While we are all dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, did you actually feel prepared to shelter in place? Should this re-emerge in the fall or should another disaster befall us, let me try to help you organize your home for an emergency with these helpful tips.

How to Adopt the Perfect Pet

Now that we have all more or less adjusted to our “stay at home” situations, you may just be thinking about adding to the family….
Adopting a pet into your family is more than just hitting up the local shelter, breeder, or pet store. Most people don’t realize that bringing said pet home necessitates purchasing supplies and doing some basic training. As a result, many pets get turned in as owners are not prepared. That’s why shelters are so packed these days. In fact, when animals are not what owners want or don’t behave the way they expect, pets do get turned in. To forestall this unfortunate scenario, I am sharing the following tips on how to adopt the perfect pet.
