Tag: Filing

Ten Tips for Mastering the Art of Managing Your Mail and Bills

In our digital age, where emails and electronic communication reign supreme, the tangible mailbox might seem like a relic of the past. However, for many of us, paper mail and bills still find their way into our lives on a regular basis. Without proper organization, these physical documents can quickly become overwhelming, leading to missed payments, misplaced important documents, and unnecessary stress.

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Where Are Your Important Papers?

No one ever plans to be sick or disabled yet planning for such an emergency can make all the difference. Do you have such a plan? Do you know where your important papers are located?

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Murder Miss Eleni S

If you are like most people, admit it now: you have a file folder/drawer/bin called, “Miscellaneous”. Heck, you may also have a folder on your computer with the same name.

Murder “Miss Eleni S”. Get rid of it. Now. It is dangerous… so much so that you need to kill it.

Why? Because it’s too easy to dump everything into MISCELLANEOUS because, well, MISCELLANEOUS covers anything and everything. It Is akin to not putting things away. Find some common way to categorize the information or objects and sort them into those said categories.

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