Category: Cruise

What to Pack?

We recently posted some tips about packing for your vacation. Well, here are yet more tips, this time, to help you decide what to pack for a specific trip in that the summer months of travel are upon us.
Yes, as you can imagine, there is an app for help on packing. In fact, there are many, some free and others you can upgrade, paying for a premium version with more features. Here are a few free ones: Packpoint, EasyPack, and Packr. In full disclosure, we have not tried these all for ourselves, therefore, undertake your own search for the apps that best meet your needs.

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Ten Packing Tips for Your Next Vacation

Does it feel like you pack your entire house when you travel? Have you ever remarked with utter amazement that you do not wear or use half of what you cart along on any given trip? If you are going by RV or car, you can take a lot. However, if you are flying and need to navigate via trains, subways, taxis, boats, and planes, you will want to travel light. After all, no one needs to bring my sister’s non notorious 22 turtlenecks for a ten-day family Christmas vacation home or one of my close friend’s four pair of sequinning evening pumps for her cruise!

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Five Must-Have Products for Your Cruise

You have booked your dream vacation, a cruise. Congratulations! Now the time has come to start packing for your trip. Here are five must have products for your cruise. And the best part, they are all available on Amazon! Waterproof

How to Successfully Plan and Prepare for a Cruise

Cruises offer a wide array of experiences and entertainment for an unbeatable value.  With a wide array of ships and destinations, you can sail to and from just about anywhere in the world, even Alaska.  Which destination and what type