Category: Virtual Organizing

A Virtual Organizing Project – Converting a Bedroom Into a Home Office

I just finished working with Susan (name changed to protect her identity), who left her job as a lawyer at a large firm to start her own home-based practice in Connecticut. Her project was to convert a guest bedroom into her home office. Our goals were to tackle the arrangement of the furniture, to set up her files (both computer and paper), and to create systems so that she was able to work efficiently in her home.

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Virtual Organizing vs. Hands On Organizing

What is the difference between Virtual Organizing and hands on organizing?

Well, I offer both kinds of professional organizing. Some people may ask what the heck virtual organizing even is. Indeed, virtual organizing has been around for at least six or seven years, and – as you can imagine – It exploded with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when clients were uncomfortable having people in their homes. Virtual organizing is the same as in person organizing, except technology is used to enable working together. The appointments tend to be shorter, and I can work with anyone regardless of the geographical location. Some people are also more comfortable not having a stranger enter their homes.

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