Virtual Organizing vs. Hands On Organizing

Virtual Organizing vs. Hands On Organizing

What is the difference between Virtual Organizing and hands on organizing?

Well, I offer both kinds of professional organizing. Some people may ask what the heck virtual organizing even is. Indeed, virtual organizing has been around for at least six or seven years, and – as you can imagine – It exploded with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when clients were uncomfortable having people in their homes. Virtual organizing is the same as in person organizing, except technology is used to enable working together. The appointments tend to be shorter, and I can work with anyone regardless of the geographical location. Some people are also more comfortable not having a stranger enter their homes.

Virtually working with a client is successful if the client is highly motivated, great at doing DIY projects, and comfortable with technology and a reliable Internet. It is equally important that the client be physically able to do the work or have someone helping him/her if unable to work alone. The client needs to be goal driven and needs expert advice and guidance. In that virtual organizing tends to be shorter in session length, time and budget restraints allow clients easier access to working with me virtually. Typically, the project is very well defined and remains the only goal being addressed at a given session.

Hands on professional organizing tends to involve longer sessions. There is often a larger scope of work to be done, and the person tends not to always be a DIY individual. He/she appreciates having the extra set of hands to work side-by-side with and to have the expert on site. Perhaps one distinct advantage here is that immediate results can be noticed: a highly motivating force! What’s more, hands on work allows for more flexible projects as the need arises.

All in all, consider what might work best for you in terms of your personality, work habits, and particular job in mind. If you are puzzled, give me a call, and we will work it out in tandem to focus on your individual organizing needs.

Photo: Pixabay

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