Preparing for Un-Decorating This Season

Preparing for Un-Decorating This Season

Have you had enough of your Christmas and holiday decorations yet? Someone I know leaves her Christmas tree up until Valentine’s day, and another, leaves her artificial Christmas tree up all year long. She takes off the ornaments but loves the ambiance of the white lights on the tree throughout the year.

Whenever you begin to dismantle your holiday decorations, take inventory of what you liked and the way you decorated by capturing the room or themed area with a photo. When you put the items away, try to keep them together to make next year’s task an easy, peasy, repeat, and decorate! Do not forget to label your bins after you put the cover on.

Take note of items that you still have boxed up that you did not put out this year. Is it time to let them go? Constantly re-evaluating your items keeps you from overstoring unwanted ones. As you buy or are given new holiday decorations, take stock of what you have, and switch things up, especially if you have grown tired of a certain theme like snowmen or Santas or if you have decided to have minimalistic décor. It is your house; you can do what you want!

Next, make a list of holiday themed items you are running low on such as wrapping paper, gift tags, ribbon, bows, plastic ware, or paper goods. When you are out shopping, you may come across deep discounts on these items. Keep the list handy so that next year you know precisely what you do and do not need to restock if you have not been able to find these items on sale after Christmas.

The year flies by so quickly, and we may not exactly remember the various ways we like to decorate or entertain for the holiday season. Maintaining pictures and lists may just give our memories the boost they need to make next year’s holiday more enjoyable and perhaps even easier on us. Enjoy your last few days of 2023!

Photo: Pixabay

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