Organizing Gifts Ideas for the Holidays

Organizing Gifts Ideas for the Holidays

If you are still struggling with finding gift ideas for your family/friends/co-workers, here are a few ideas that will help even the most organized person feel even more organized!

  1. AirTag – I bought a packet of four AirTags prior to my trip to Italy in July. I put one in my checked luggage and one in my anti-theft crossbody bag. The other two I gave to my friend who was traveling with me, and she placed her two in her luggage and crossbody bag. She did not have an iPhone, so I traced our devices along the way. They came in handy when we were waiting and waiting at Logan, after our trip, for our luggage to come out. The same bags kept going round and round and not ours. I used the Find My app to make sure they were indeed at Logan and viola, they were! I know people who use these on their dogs, key rings, and bicycles. Handy to have for lost items. A client even slipped one in a packed box to track the truck as it moved her items from a storage unit in MA to her in FL. She knew exactly when it left and where it was on route.
  2. Cable Cord Box – Who likes looking at a jumble of cords under their desk? This box makes your home office look ten times better with the ability to put a power strip INSIDE the box and run the cables through the slits in the front and one the sides of the box. Since there is a cover, you can even set your phone, watch, or ear buds on of the box with all their charging cords hidden below.
  3. Universal Lid for Pots and Pans – This stainless-steel lid is perfect for two reasons. One is that you do not need to have a separate lid for every pan/pot in your kitchen. Two, if you have lost a lid to your favorite pot, here is your replacement! It fits cookware between 6 inches to 12 inches.
  4. Laptop Bag Set – Need to protect your laptop when in transit? Want to also have a laptop stand? This bag does both! It is stylish and no need to carry a separate laptop stand.
  5. Linen Sheet Organizer – What is the best way to organize your sheet? This product is amazing. It keeps the entire set together, and the best part is that you do not have to properly fold your sheets to store them. Bonus – there is a window that shows you the sheet color and a place for you to label what is inside. This can transform your messy linen closet!

May your holidays be less stressful this year and may this list make the gift recipient feel more organized in 2024!

Photo: Pixabay

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