Your Handy-Dandy All-in-One-Place Binder

Your Handy-Dandy All-in-One-Place Binder

If you have ever been to a real estate open house, you may have noticed most have a binder on the kitchen table with notes about the house. The binder may contain information about where the water shut-off can be found, appliance manuals/instructions, and recommended providers of home services. This item serves as your handy-dandy all-in-one-place binder.

Why not make a such a binder now, even when your house is not on the market? It’ll be a handy reference for you, family members, house guests, and house sitters.

You can include information that might not be appropriate for a real estate open house (names and contact information of neighbors). The binder may also include a household maintenance schedule to ensure you are maintaining the upkeep on your home.

I have a client who has such a binder. It was invaluable when she hired a house manager. When she was traveling, the house manager was able to pull out the binder and see whom to call when she needed a plumber. She also knew how my client liked her home maintained and what time of the year certain tasks needed to be done.

Photo: Pixabay

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