Clutter Awareness Week: 5-Day Challenge

Clutter Awareness Week


There are so many awareness weeks devoted to topics of all different varieties, but my favorite (surprise, surprise!) is Clutter Awareness Week, which starts next week. This occasion is devoted to helping you see the light – or the bottom of your closet floor – when it comes to organizing and purging. Instead of just writing about this topic, I wanted to issue a challenge to my Boston professional organizing clients and the readers of this blog. Each day next week, I’ve listed different areas of the house along with a simple task that will help you tremendously reduce clutter. Are you ready to get organized in 2015? Let’s get started…

Monday – The kitchen is a communal space where people like to hang out, but sometimes clutter can start to pile high. To make more room and clear the counters, I challenge you to remove one appliance that is taking up precious counter space. A toaster and a blender are two great examples of items that can be stored in a cabinet. Your kitchen will look less cluttered and since you only use these appliances once in awhile, why are they front and center?

Tuesday – For most, the bathroom is a room where clutter can be neglected. For example, do you need that old makeup from ten years ago? Likely, the answer is no, but most of the time old personal care items sit in drawers or medicine cabinets. This week, I challenge you to go through your medicine cabinet and take out anything that has expired. Do not throw them in the trash or garbage; rather take them to drugstores or police stations that accept expired prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. Then, of course, move on to your older personal care items.

Wednesday – We’re halfway through the week, and you’re doing great! Now, let’s dive into your wardrobe closet. Open your closet and examine your hanging clothes. I am sure you can easily spot one to three pieces of clothing that you never wear. If your clothes are in good condition, donate these items. You will have more space in your closet when you bring home an article of clothing that looks fabulous on you.

Thursday – We are all guilty of hanging on to old magazines or catalogs. For today’s challenge, I want you to go through the collection of catalogs and/or magazines. Go through the pile and purge anything that is over a month old. If you haven’t read it yet, it is likely out of date and there’s a good chance you have a newer issue waiting in your mailbox. Additionally, if you’re getting mail you don’t want, remember to use the PaperKarma app we discussed in last week’s blog post.

Friday – Today I want you to open your linen closet. Take a peek at each shelf. You’ll likely realize that there are towels or sheets you rarely use. I recently donated a sheet set to an animal shelter that started to fringe at the hem. Those sheets were creating a mess of string. Also, ask yourself if any of these linens are too scratchy, too thin or too unattractive for the home. Keep in mind that animal shelters are always looking for linens to keep their little animals cozy and warm.

Now that you’re finished with the five-day Clutter Awareness Week Challenge, take some time to reflect and ask yourself if you feel and see a difference. For most of you, the answer will be a resounding ‘yes’. Remember, you should challenge yourself to do this quarterly, so that you can maintain a clutter-free home throughout the year!

Photos: Glas Bergen




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