Organize a Drink Station for Your 4th of July BBQ

Organize a Drink Station for Your 4th of July BBQ

Celebrating the 4th of July with a BBQ? To save yourself some time that day to enjoy everyone’s company, perhaps you would consider setting up a self-serve drink station. Here is how:

  • Decide if you will be providing alcoholic beverages. If so, will you serve beer, wine, and/or cocktails?
  • Always provide non-alcoholic drink options.
  • Chill items that need to be served cold. A simple way to do so is to have a large tub filled with ice.
  • Make sure, though, to have a separate container to hold ice for the drinks as no one wants to use that same ice in their beverages.
  • Provide a few recipe cards in case guests are unsure how to make a mixed drink. Make sure the print is large! The recipes can be put in a cute frame in the drink area. You can even concoct a cute name for your … well … concoctions! If you are hosting a themed party, choose the cocktail options for your guests in advance, and make sure all the ingredients are laid out assembly line style in the order the appear on the recipe, like a serving line in a buffet.

Finally, offer nonalcoholic beverages as one way to ensure your guests do not leave drunk. Here are some suggestions:

Milkshakes, lemonade, mocktails and slushies. Whipped lemonade anyone?

Punches, spritzers, and mocktails

Creative combinations of fruits, vegetables, and spices

Color-changing lemonade slushies!


Happy 4th of July! May you have a safe and fabulous day of celebrations

Photo: Pixabay

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