Summer is here. The sun is out well past 7:00 p.m., the local pool is already open on weekends, and the temperatures are starting to climb. Stocking up on the necessities for summer now will save you time when you are wanting to enjoy the lazy days to come. Here are a few items that you may want to have on hand.
- Bottled Water– Keep water in the car at all times for unexpected walks or whenever you or your children get thirsty on the road or to grab as you are embarking on your adventures at the pools, beach, or park.
- Sunblock– Even on cloudy days, you need lots of sunblock in the summer. Make sure you have some in the house and in your car. Don’t forget a facial sunscreen. If you wear foundation, buy a brand with a high SPF. Lip balm also comes with SPF so be sure to look for that when shopping.
- First Aid Kit– Keep a first aid kit in your car. Stock it with the usual items, such as Band-Aids, antiseptic ointment, and antibiotic ointment. Be sure to include aloe vera gel and sunburn ointment as well for those occasional sunburns.
- Sunglasses– Keeping your eyes protected for the stronger summer sun is just as important to keep your eyes safe from the sun. If you can’t wear sunglasses, make sure you wear a brimmed hat to shade your eyes from the sun.
- Bug Spray– Nothing ruins being outside, in my opinion, then being bugged by bugs (pun intended). I seem to attract every bug in the area when I am outside, and it makes me crazy. Keeping bug repellant in your home and car will make your outings more tolerable. Some essential oils are a great alternative to buying over the counter bug sprays.
Just like they taught us in scouts, always be prepared. What are some other must haves you keep handy in summer?
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