We have all gone through these stages of celebrating New Year’s Eve:
Childhood: staying up till midnight was like a rite of passage. How adult it made us feel! Though, it was more like dozing off at 8 or 9pm on the sofa only to have our parents wake us at midnight to say, “Happy New Year,” before carting us up to bed. At that moment, we simply did not care.
Teens and Twenties: Having a New Year’s Date was *A Big Deal* or at least hoping for a date where we could dress up for dinner and dancing. A friend of mine bought a long taffeta skirt for the occasion! Others of us loved hanging with friends to enjoy good company and laughs over pizza and beverages instead of overpaying for dinner and champagne at a fancy restaurant.
Thirties-Fifties: Recognizing that going out New Year’s Eve meant driving on roads with drunk drivers, so staying home was the “in” thing. Perhaps we even entertained lavishly in our homes with 10pm steak dinners or a lovely breakfast well after the ball had dropped.
Sixties plus: Going to bed at our usual time, maybe watching the festivities in Times Square from bed or even foregoing them altogether. In any case, being thankful not to be in the crowd.
Well, however celebrating in which stage, Happy New Year, and may 2025 bring joy, health, and peace.
Photo: Pixabay